Diversity, Interactivity an Inclusion in Museums and Cultural Centers


  • Irma Fuentes Mata Investigadora


Interactivity, museums, diversity, gender, and inclusion.


Society, culture, education, and art have undergone changes due to the use of technological means. These transformations lead us to adopt critical research paradigms in the face of knowledge development. Research conducted during the pandemic illustrates how cultural spaces, whether virtual or physical, expand knowledge and contribute to the development of social awareness and participation. Museums are spaces where a selection of culture is concentrated, showcasing not only the past but also the current conditions of culture, art, and society, projecting new ways of understanding the world. Through interactivity in museums, we can perceive the world from various perspectives. Current focal points, such as diversity, inclusion, gender, and sustainability, are recurring themes for the development of a culture with hope for peace and equity.


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Sitios consultados en la web












How to Cite

Fuentes Mata, I. (2023). Diversity, Interactivity an Inclusion in Museums and Cultural Centers. Arte, Entre paréntesis, 2(17). Retrieved from https://arteentreparentesis.unison.mx/index.php/AEP/article/view/120
