Some current manifestations of native music in Sonora, México
Música indígena, Análisis musical, Etnias sonorenses, Indigenous music, Musical analysis, Sonoran ethnic groupAbstract
The richness of the indigenous musical tradition in Sonora lies in the variety and meanings constituting an important factor in the identity of their towns. However, the research about the music of the native cultures on the region are only a few; therefore, it is necessary a study focusing the meaning as a collective cultural phenomenon and his musical analysis. The objective of this work is releasing information of how music is currently manifested today in some ethnic groups of Sonora through transcriptions and analysis of representatives works. It began by collecting auditory and visual evidence of indigenous music that has reached our days as a product of a historical process in different ethnic groups in the State of Sonora. Five works were selected from own recordings or provided by Lutiscu (2007), which were transcribed and accompanied with a short description of the context where they are interpreted and its melodic, harmonic, formal and metric analysis; as well as the accompaniment, intonation and timbre of voices. It concludes that contemporary indigenous music performed in the Sonoran territory it is a transmitter of the actual thoughts of the ethnic groups; in many cases, rebuilding old parameters to shape current generations and not interpreting itself outside the local context.
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Medios audiovisuales
Aires ribereños: cantos cucapás de Sonora. Intérpretes: Trinidad Salgado Laguna, Romualda Tambo Salgado, Nicolás Wilson Tambo. CD producido por CNCA-DGCPI, 2003
Música indígena Yoreme-Yaqui. Intérpretes no identificados. Grabado en el Valle del Yaqui, zona sur del Estado. CD sin nombre, edición de la Dirección de Culturas Populares e Indígenas, Unidad Sur, fecha no determinada.
Obras de los grupos Yoreme-Mayo (Valle del Mayo, sur del Estado), O’ob-Pima (región serrana de Yécora, Este del Estado colindando con Chihuahua), Makurawe-Guarijío (sierra de Álamos, región sureste del Estado) y Comca’ac-Seri (grupos del desierto, costa de Hermosillo y municipio de Pitiquito). Colección Casa del Viento. Intérpretes: integrantes las comunidades, en algunos casos identificados, en otros no. II Festival de las Culturas del Desierto. Audiocassette editado por el Instituto Sonorense de Cultura y la Dirección General de Culturas Populares e Indígenas, Unidad Regional Sonora, Noviembre de 1992.
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